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This Sunday, October 7th, come for our last "conservation day" of the season! From 10:45 to 17:00, special animal talks will allow you to better know some species of the park, but also to discover the conservation programs we support. And throughout the day, a traveling stall...

This day  will be dedicated to highlighting our actions for the conservation of animals in nature! From 11am to 5:30 pm, special animal meetings and a traveling booth will help you understand why species are disappearing, what each of us can do, and how different associations,...

On the occasion of the International Vulture Awareness Day, we organize some activities to discover these birds so particular, and threatened in France as elsewhere. A fun and surprising information stand awaits you: - Saturday 25 August - Sunday, August 26 - Wednesday, August 29 - Thursday 30 August - Friday,...

Since 13 years, La Barben Zoo and its association Ecofaune support many programs to protect animals in the wilkd. In order to make you discover these actions, our team is mobilized and gives you an appointment Sunday, March 25th! On the agenda of this special day:...

Winter is also an intense season for the educational team, working behind the scenes to develop a new season of entertainment. Thus, from Sunday, March 25 will be proposed a new concept of "conservation day", to make you discover different projects of conservation of animals in...

En raison d'une privatisation, le parc sera exceptionnellement fermé au public les mercredis 27 novembre et 04 décembre 2024. Merci de votre compréhension.